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Sadly counterbalanced by numerous faults

Said with epigrammatic point
[epigrammatic = terse and witty]

Salutary in the extreme

Salutary tonic of a free current of public criticism

Sanity and quietness of soul

Scorned as an impracticable theory

Scornful of petty calculations

Screen themselves from punishment

Scrupulous and chivalrous loyalty

See with eagle glance through conventionalisms

Seem to savor of paradox

Seize the auspicious moment

Self-centered anxiety and preoccupation

Self-command born of varied intercourse

Self-interest of the most compelling character

Selfish and uselessly recondite
[recondite = not easily understood]

Selfishness pampered by abundance

Senses of marvelous acuteness

Sensible diminution of our comfort

Sensitive and apprehensive temperament

Sentimental wailings for the past

Serve the innocent purposes of life

Set down with meticulous care

Shames us out of our nonsense

Sharp outbursts of hatred and bitterness

Sharp restrictions of duty and opportunity


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