February 2008
• How is the word `etiquette' pronounced? (20080226)
• What is the meaning of the expression `the proof of the pudding is in the eating'? (20080226)
• What's the difference between `work for someone' and `work with someone'? (20080226)
• What is the difference between `alumni', and `alumnae'? (20080226)
• How is the word ‘aficionado’ pronounced? (20080219)
• What is the response to ‘How do you do?’ (20080219)
• What is the difference between ‘misogynist’ and ‘misogamist’? (20080219)
• What is the meaning and origin of ‘more sinned against than sinning’? (20080219)
• How is the word “extempore” pronounced? (20080212)
• What is the meaning of the expression “to separate the sheep from the goats”? (20080212)
• What is the difference between “sojourn” and “journey”? (20080212)
• How is the word ‘kiosk’ pronounced? (20080212)
• Is it okay to introduce myself in the following manner? “I am Mr. Thomas.” (20080212)
• What is the meaning of ‘modus vivendi’? (20080205)
• What is the origin of the word ‘magazine’? (20080205)
• What is the difference between ‘missive’ and ‘letter’? (20080205)
• What is the meaning of the expression ‘thanks but no thanks’? (20080205)
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