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I shall be interested to watch it develop

I shall be most proud and pleased

I shall certainly take you at your word

I shall feel highly honored

I shall make a point of thinking so

I shall never forget your kindness

I shall respect your confidence

I should appreciate your confidence greatly

I should be very ungrateful were I not satisfied with it

I should feel unhappy if I did otherwise

I should like your opinion of it

I should not dream of asking you to do so

I should think it very unlikely

I simply cannot endure it

I spoke only in jest

I stand corrected

I suppose I ought to feel flattered

I surmised as much

I sympathize deeply with you

I take that for granted

I think extremely well of it

I think he has very noble ideals

I think I can answer that for you

I think I know what you are going to say

I think it has its charm


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