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Daily usages and modes of thinking

Dangerously near snobbery

Darkly insinuating what may possibly happen

Dazzled by their novelty and brilliance

Debased by common use

Deep essentials of moral grandeur

Deeply engrossed in congenial work

Deeply moved as well as keenly stung

Deeply rooted in the heart of humanity

Defiant of analysis and rule

Degenerate into comparative feebleness

Degenerated into deadness and formality

Degrading and debasing curiosity

Deliberate and cautious reflection

Delicacy of perception and quick tact

Delude many minds into acquiescence

Dense to the point of stupidity

Descanting on them cursorily
[descanting = discussion or discourse]

Devices generally held to be discreditable

Devious and perilous ways

Devoid of hysteria and extravagance

Dexterous modes of concealment

Dictated by an overweening partiality

Differ in degree only and not in kind

Difficult and abstruse questions
[abstruse = incomprehensible ]

Diffidence overwhelmed him


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