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Words And Word Groups Used As Nouns - - Noun-Parts Of Speech-ESL/Learn English Grammar

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The noun may borrow from any part of speech, or from any

19. Owing to the scarcity of distinctive forms, and to the
consequent flexibility of English speech, words which are usually
other parts of speech are often used as nouns; and various word groups
may take the place of nouns by being used as nouns.

Adjectives, Conjunctions, Adverbs:-

(1) _Other parts of speech_ used as nouns:--

_The great_, _the wealthy_, fear thy blow.--BURNS.

Every _why_ hath a _wherefore_.--SHAKESPEARE.

When I was young? Ah, woeful _When_!
Ah! for the change 'twixt _Now_ and _Then_!

(2) _Certain word groups_ used like single nouns:--

_Too swift_ arrives as tardy as _too slow_.--SHAKESPEARE.

Then comes the "_Why, sir_!" and the "_What then, sir_?" and the
"_No, sir_!" and the "_You don't see your way through the
question, sir_!"--MACAULAY

(3) Any part of speech may be considered merely as a word, without
reference to its function in the sentence; also titles of books are
treated as simple nouns.

The _it_, at the beginning, is ambiguous, whether it mean the sun
or the cold.--Dr BLAIR

In this definition, is the word "_just_," or "_legal_," finally
to stand?--RUSKIN.

There was also a book of Defoe's called an "_Essay on Projects_,"
and another of Dr. Mather's called "_Essays to do Good_."--B.

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