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Special Lists-Number-Gender - Noun-Parts Of Speech-ESL/Learn English Grammar

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Special Lists.

43. Material nouns and abstract nouns are always singular. When

such words take a plural ending, they lose their identity, and go over

to other classes (Secs. 15 and 17).

44. Proper nouns are regularly singular, but may be made plural

when we wish to speak of several persons or things bearing the same

name; e.g., _the Washingtons_, _the Americas_.

45. Some words are usually singular, though they are plural in

form. Examples of these are, _optics_, _economics_, _physics_,

_mathematics_, _politics_, and many branches of learning; also _news_,

_pains_ (care), _molasses_, _summons_, _means_: as,--

_Politics_, in its widest extent, is both the science and the art

of government.--_Century Dictionary_.

So live, that when thy _summons comes_, etc.--BRYANT.

It served simply as _a means_ of sight.--PROF. DANA.

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