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The sun goes down in flame on the far horizon

The sun lay golden-soft over the huddled hills

The sunlight spread at a gallop along the hillside

The sunset was rushing to its height through every possible phase of violence and

The suspicion of secret malevolence

The swelling tide of memory

The swing of the pendulum through an arch of centuries

The tempered daylight of an olive garden

The tender grace of a day that is fled

The tension of struggling tears which strove for an outlet

The thought leaped

The timely effusion of tearful sentiment

The tone betrayed a curious irritation

The torture of his love and terror crushed him

The trees rustled and whispered to the streams

The tumult in her heart subsided

The tumult in her mind found sudden speech

The tumult of pride and pleasure

The tune of moving feet in the lamplit city

The tyranny of nipping winds and early frosts

The unmasked batteries of her glorious gray eyes

The vacant fields looked blankly irresponsive

The vast and shadowy stream of time

The vast cathedral of the world

The vast unexplored land of dreams

The velvet of the cloudless sky grew darker, and the stars more luminous

The veneer of a spurious civilization

The very pulsation and throbbing of his intellect

The very silence of the place appeared a source of peril

The vision fled him

The vivifying touch of humor

The web of lies is rent in pieces

The wheel of her thought turned in the same desolate groove

The whispering rumble of the ocean

The white seething surf fell exhausted along the shore

The whole exquisite night was his

The whole sea of foliage is shaken and broken up with little momentary shiverings
and shadows

The wide horizon forever flames with summer

The wild whirl of nameless regret and passionate sorrow


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