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The pent-up intolerance of years of repression

The perfume of the mounting sea saturated the night with wild fragrance

The piquancy of the pageant of life [piquancy = tart spiciness]

The pith and sinew of mature manhood

The plenitude of her piquant ways [piquant = engagingly stimulating]

The presage of disaster was in the air

The pressure of accumulated misgivings

The preternatural pomposities of the pulpit

The pristine freshness of spring

The pull of soul on body

The pulse of the rebounding sea

The purging sunlight of clear poetry

The purple vaulted night

The question drummed in head and heart day and night

The question irresistibly emerged

The quick pulse of gain

The radiant serenity of the sky

The radiant stars brooded over the stainless fields, white with freshly fallen snow

The restlessness of offended vanity

The retreating splendor of autumn

The rising storm of words

The river ran darkly, mysteriously by

The river sang with its lips to the pebbles

The roar of the traffic rose to thunder

The romantic ardor of a generous mind

The room had caught a solemn and awful quietude

The rosy-hued sky went widening off into the distance

The rosy twilight of boyhood

The royal arrogance of youth

The sadness in him deepened inexplicably

The scars of rancor and remorse

The scent of roses stole in with every breath of air

The sea heaved silvery, far into the night

The sea slept under a haze of golden winter sun

The sea-sweep enfolds you, satisfying eye and mind

The sea-wind buffeted their faces

The secret and subduing charm of the woods

The see-saw of a wavering courage

The sentimental tourist will be tempted to tarry


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