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The chill of forlorn old age

The chill of night crept in from the street

The chivalric sentiment of honor

The chivalrous homage of respect

The clamorous agitation of rebellious passions

The clouded, restless, jaded mood

The constant iteration of the sea's wail

The contagion of extravagant luxury

The conversation became desultory [desultory = haphazardly; random]

The crowning touch of pathos

The current of his ideas flowed full and strong

The dance whizzed on with cumulative fury

The dawn is singing at the door

The day sang itself into evening

The day was at once redolent and vociferous [redolent = emitting fragrance; aromatic;

reminiscent] [vociferous = conspicuously and offensively loud]

The day was blind with fog

The day was gracious

The days passed in a stately procession

The days when you dared to dream

The debilitating fears of alluring fate

The deep and solemn purple of the summer night

The deep flush ebbed out of his face

The deep tranquillity of the shaded solitude

The deepening twilight filled with shadowy visions

The deepest wants and aspirations of his soul

The delicatest reproof of imagined distrust

The demerit of an unworthy alliance

The desire of the moth for the star

The dimness of the sealed eye and soul

The dreamy solicitations of indescribable afterthoughts

The dying day lies beautiful in the tender glow of the evening

The early morning of the Indian summer day was tinged with blue mistiness

The earth looked despoiled

The east alone frowned with clouds

The easy grace of an unpremeditated agreeable talker

The easy-going indolence of a sedentary life


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