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Adjectives : Classification(1)

We have seen that an Adjective is a word which qualifies a noun. An adjective may be used in two different ways. It is said to be used attributively when it is used with the noun as its attribute or epithet and qualifies it directly.

1. The strong man smiled.

2. Hari is a smart boy.

An adjective is said to be used predicatively when it is part of the predicate and qualifies a noun indirectly.

1. The man is strong.

2. The boy appeared to be smart.

An adjective cannot be used both ways. Some can be used only attributively.

1. He is a drunken man

2. She told me an outright lie.

Some can be used only predicatively.

1. The lawyer was alone.

2. The child is asleep.

Adjectives may be divided into seven different kinds, viz.,

1. Adjectives of Quality,

2. Adjectives of Quantity,

3. Adjectives of Number,

4. Demonstrative Adjectives,

5. Distributive Adjectives,

6. Interrogative Adjectives and

7. Possessive Adjectives.

1. Adjectives of quality or Descriptive Adjectives:-

These describe the kind or quality or condition of the nouns they qualify.

1. This is an Indian story.

2. The scene is beautiful.

3. The place is cold.

Note:- Adjectives of Quality answer the question: Of what kind?

2. Adjectives of Quantity:-

These indicate how much of a thing is involved.

1. He doesn’t take much exercise.

2. I have read the whole book.

Note:- Adjectives of Quantity answer the question: How much?


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