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Her strength was scattered in fits of agitation

Her stumbling ignorance which sought the road of wisdom

Her thoughts outstripped her erring feet

Her tone was gathering remonstrance

Her tongue on the subject was sharpness itself

Her tongue stumbled and was silent

Her voice had the coaxing inflections of a child

Her voice trailed off vaguely

Her voice was full of temper, hard-held

Her voice, with a tentative question in it, rested in air

Her wariness seemed put to rout

His accents breathed profound relief

His agitation increased

His brow grew knit and gloomy

His brow was in his hand

His conscience leapt to the light

His constraint was excruciating

His curiosity is quenched

His dignity counseled him to be silent

His ears sang with the vibrating intensity of his secret existence

His eyes had a twinkle of reminiscent pleasantry

His eyes literally blazed with savage fire

His eyes shone with the pure fire of a great purpose

His eyes stared unseeingly

His face caught the full strength of the rising wind

His face dismissed its shadow

His face fell abruptly into stern lines

His face lit with a fire of decision

His face showed a pleased bewilderment

His face torn with conflict

His face was gravely authoritative

His gaze faltered and fell

His gaze searched her face

His gaze seemed full of unconquerable hopefulness

His hand supported his chin

His hands were small and prehensible [prehensible = capable of being seized]

His heart asserted itself again, thunderously beating

His heart rebuked him

His heart was full of enterprise

His impatient scorn expired


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