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idea, imagination, conception, and ideal

idleness, recreation, repose, and rest

ignominious, infamous, despicable, and contemptible

illumine, instruct, enlighten, and inform

imaginative, sensitive, nervous, and highly-strung

impatience, indolence, wastefulness, and inconclusiveness

impel, stimulate, animate, and inspirit

imperious, wayward, empirical, and impatient [imperious = arrogantly
domineering or overbearing]

improvident, incautious, prodigal, and thriftless

impudent, insolent, irrelevant, and officious

inadvertency, carelessness, negligence, and oversight

indecision, doubt, fear, and lassitude

indifference, caution, coldness, and weariness

indolent, passive, sluggish, and slothful

ineffectual, powerless, useless, and unavailing

infamy, shame, dishonor, and disgrace

infantile, childish, boyish, and dutiful

informal, natural, unconventional, and careless

insolent, impudent, impertinent, and flippant

integrity, frankness, sincerity, and truthfulness

intellectual, moral, emotional, and esthetic

intense, earnest, violent, and extreme

invent, discover, design, and contrive

inveterate, confirmed, chronic, and obstinate

invidious, envious, odious, and offensive

invincible, unconquerable, insurmountable, and insuperable

irksome, tiresome, tedious, and annoying

irregular, uncertain, devious, and unsystematic

irritable, choleric, petulant, and susceptible


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