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08. (W) What kind of a pen do you want?

( R) What kind of pen do you want?

Note:- The Indefinite Article is not used after the phrase ‘kind of’ or ‘sort of’.

09. (W) What sort of a man is he?

( R) What sort of man is he?

10. (W) Bravery of the spartans was renowned.

( R) The Bravery of the Spartans was renowned.

Note:- If abstract nouns are used in a particular sense,they require the use of the

definite article. But if abstract nouns are used in a general sense, they cannot take


11. (W) The gold is a precious metal.

( R) Gold is a precious metal.

Note:- Material nouns, if used in a general sense, are used without any article.

12. (W) Gold of South Africa is exported to many countries.

( R) The Gold of South Africa isexported to many countries.

Note:- If material nouns are used in a particular sense, the definite article is required.

13. (W) My brother goes to the school.

( R) My brother goes to school.

Note:- ‘To go to school’ means to be a student, while ‘to go to the school’ means to

visit the school. Similarly, ‘to leave school’ means ‘to go away the school premises’.

14. (W) On Sunday, we go to the church.

( R) On Sunday, we go to church.

15. (W) He found a work at the bank.

( R) He found work at the bank.

Note:- The Indefinite Article should not be used before such words as work, fun,

health, permission.

16. (W) They made great noise when they were playing in the garden.

( R) They make a great noise when they were playing in the garden.

Note:- We say ‘make a noise’, ‘make a mistake’, ‘make a promise’, ‘make an

impression’, ‘make a reputation’.

17. (W) He has headache.

( R) He had a headache.

Note:- The correct phrases are: ‘have (run) a temperature’, ‘have a cold’, ‘have a

severe pain’.

18. (W) We shall see him after the lunch.

( R ) We shall see him after lunch.

Note:- The definite article is not used before the names of the meals: supper, dinner,

lunch, breakfast. “The” is omitted before Abstract nouns, plural nouns, proper

nouns, names of Materials, Meals and Colours, When used in a general sense.

19. (W) He was tired of the life, but as he loves the travel, he crossed the Atlantic to

United States and stayed in the New York.

( R) He was tired of life, but as he loves travel, he crossed the Atlantic to the United

States and stayed in New York.

20. (W) Bible is a sacred book of the Christians.

( R) The Bible is a sacred book of the christians.

Note:- As a general rule, the should not precede a proper noun. But names of holy

books and certain well-known books are preceded by the, when the author’s name is

not prefixed.

e.g. I read the Ramayana. (correct)

He read Vyasa’s Mahabharata. (correct)


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