fools and underlings
force and effectiveness
formal and cold
formidable and profound
formlessness and exaggeration
fortitude and perseverance
foul and ominous
fragile and pale
fragments and morsels
fragrance and beauty
frailties and absurdities
frank and genial
free and independent
frequent and poignant
freshness and fragrance
fretful and timorous
friend and benefactor
frigid and pompous
frivolous and empty
froth and effervescence
frustrated and confounded
fuddled and contradictory
full and sonorous
fumbling and blundering
fuming and bustling
fun and satire
function and aim
fundamental and necessary
furrowed and ragged
furtive and illusive
fury and madness
fussing and fuming
futile and untrustworthy
fierce and menacing
fiery and controversial
final and irreversible
finish and completeness
firm and decisive
first and foremost
fitful and capricious
fitting and appropriate
fixity and finality
flaming and mendacious [mendacious = lying; untruthful]
flare and flicker
flatness and insipidity
flattery and toadyism
flexible and spontaneous
flickering and ambiguous
flighty and impetuous
flippant and contemptuous
florid and healthy [florid = ornate; flowery]
flotsam and jetsam
flow and fullness
flowery and figurative
fluctuating and transitory
fluency and flippancy
fluttering and restless
focus and concentrate
fogs and complications
foibles and follies
foiled and defeated
folly and indecorum
fiery and controversial
final and irreversible
finish and completeness
firm and decisive
first and foremost
fitful and capricious
fitting and appropriate
fixity and finality
flaming and mendacious [mendacious = lying; untruthful]
flare and flicker
flatness and insipidity
flattery and toadyism
flexible and spontaneous
flickering and ambiguous
flighty and impetuous
flippant and contemptuous
florid and healthy [florid = ornate; flowery]
flotsam and jetsam
flow and fullness
flowery and figurative
fluctuating and transitory
fluency and flippancy
fluttering and restless
focus and concentrate
fogs and complications
foibles and follies
foiled and defeated
folly and indecorum
fabulous and fabricated
facile and brilliant
facts and traditions
faculties and powers
faded and withered
failures and misadventures
faint and obscure
fair and impartial
faith and reverence
fallacy and danger
false and fugitive
fame and fortune
familiar and gracious
famous and foremost
fancies and sentiments
fanciful and chimerical [chimerical = highly improbable]
fantastic and meretricious [meretricious = plausible but false]
fascination and awe
fashion and frivolity
fastidious and exacting
fatigued and careworn
faults and delusions
favors and kindnesses
fear and bewilderment
feasible and practical
feebleness and folly
feeling and passion
felicitous and exquisite
ferocious and mercenary
fertility and vigor
fervor and simplicity
feverishly and furiously
fickle and uncertain
fidelity and zeal
facile and brilliant
facts and traditions
faculties and powers
faded and withered
failures and misadventures
faint and obscure
fair and impartial
faith and reverence
fallacy and danger
false and fugitive
fame and fortune
familiar and gracious
famous and foremost
fancies and sentiments
fanciful and chimerical [chimerical = highly improbable]
fantastic and meretricious [meretricious = plausible but false]
fascination and awe
fashion and frivolity
fastidious and exacting
fatigued and careworn
faults and delusions
favors and kindnesses
fear and bewilderment
feasible and practical
feebleness and folly
feeling and passion
felicitous and exquisite
ferocious and mercenary
fertility and vigor
fervor and simplicity
feverishly and furiously
fickle and uncertain
fidelity and zeal
exceptional and remarkable
excessive and unreasonable
excitable and irritable
exclusive and limited
excusable and justifiable
execration and defiance [execration = curse]
exertion and excitement
exhaustion and fatigue
exhibition and display
exhilarating and beneficial
exigency and requirement [exigency = urgent situation]
expansive and digressive
expediency and utility
expensive and unprofitable
experience and skill
experiment and explorations
expert and vigorous
explanation and elucidation
explore and examine
expressions and exclamations
expressive and effective
exquisite and powerful
extent and importance
extraordinary and unexpected
extravagant and grotesque
extreme and morbid
exuberant and infectious
excessive and unreasonable
excitable and irritable
exclusive and limited
excusable and justifiable
execration and defiance [execration = curse]
exertion and excitement
exhaustion and fatigue
exhibition and display
exhilarating and beneficial
exigency and requirement [exigency = urgent situation]
expansive and digressive
expediency and utility
expensive and unprofitable
experience and skill
experiment and explorations
expert and vigorous
explanation and elucidation
explore and examine
expressions and exclamations
expressive and effective
exquisite and powerful
extent and importance
extraordinary and unexpected
extravagant and grotesque
extreme and morbid
exuberant and infectious
engulfed and buried
enjoyment and satisfaction
enlightenment and progress
enraptured and amazed
enriched and ennobled
enslave and dominate
enterprising and intelligent
entertaining and diverting
enthusiasm and zeal
enticing and alluring
entire and complete
environment and training
envy and despair
ephemeral and feeble [ephemeral = markedly short-lived]
episodes and interludes
epithet and description
equality and solidarity
equity and justice
erratic and confused
errors and infirmities
essential and predominating
estimable and agreeable
eternal and sublime
ethical and religious
ever and anon
evident and manifest
exactitude and completeness
exaggerate and distort
exaltation and enthusiasm
examination and comparison
examples and models
exasperations and paroxysms [paroxysms = outbursts of emotion or
excellent and worthy
enjoyment and satisfaction
enlightenment and progress
enraptured and amazed
enriched and ennobled
enslave and dominate
enterprising and intelligent
entertaining and diverting
enthusiasm and zeal
enticing and alluring
entire and complete
environment and training
envy and despair
ephemeral and feeble [ephemeral = markedly short-lived]
episodes and interludes
epithet and description
equality and solidarity
equity and justice
erratic and confused
errors and infirmities
essential and predominating
estimable and agreeable
eternal and sublime
ethical and religious
ever and anon
evident and manifest
exactitude and completeness
exaggerate and distort
exaltation and enthusiasm
examination and comparison
examples and models
exasperations and paroxysms [paroxysms = outbursts of emotion or
excellent and worthy
eagerness and ecstasy
earnestness and animation
ease and lightness
ebb and flow
eclectic and assimilated
edifying and enchanting
education and skill
effective and competent
efficiency and success
egotism and bigotry
elaboration and display
elation and delight
elegance and gentility
elementary and simple
elevate and ennoble
eligibility and suitableness
elongated and narrow
eloquent and expressive
elusive and exquisite
embarrassed and concerned
embittered and despairing
embodiment and actualization
emerged and flowered
eminent and remarkable
emoluments and honors [emoluments = compensation]
emotion and passion
emphasize and magnify
employment and profession
encouragement and stimulus
energy and activity
enfeebled and exhausted
enfold and enwrap
earnestness and animation
ease and lightness
ebb and flow
eclectic and assimilated
edifying and enchanting
education and skill
effective and competent
efficiency and success
egotism and bigotry
elaboration and display
elation and delight
elegance and gentility
elementary and simple
elevate and ennoble
eligibility and suitableness
elongated and narrow
eloquent and expressive
elusive and exquisite
embarrassed and concerned
embittered and despairing
embodiment and actualization
emerged and flowered
eminent and remarkable
emoluments and honors [emoluments = compensation]
emotion and passion
emphasize and magnify
employment and profession
encouragement and stimulus
energy and activity
enfeebled and exhausted
enfold and enwrap
distinguishing and differentiating
distress and humiliation
distrust and aversion
disturbed and anxious
diverging and contracting
docile and obedient
dogma and ritual
dominant and permanent
dormant and subdued
doubt and trepidation
dramatic and sensational
drastic and revolutionary
dread and terror
dreams and ambitions
dreariness and desolation
dregs and sediments
drill and discipline
driveling and childish
drollery and ridicule
drooping and disconsolate
dubious and dangerous
dull and spiritless
dumb and nerveless
dupe and victim
duplicity and equivocation
dust and oblivion
duties and difficulties
dwarfed and obscured
dwindle and disappear
distress and humiliation
distrust and aversion
disturbed and anxious
diverging and contracting
docile and obedient
dogma and ritual
dominant and permanent
dormant and subdued
doubt and trepidation
dramatic and sensational
drastic and revolutionary
dread and terror
dreams and ambitions
dreariness and desolation
dregs and sediments
drill and discipline
driveling and childish
drollery and ridicule
drooping and disconsolate
dubious and dangerous
dull and spiritless
dumb and nerveless
dupe and victim
duplicity and equivocation
dust and oblivion
duties and difficulties
dwarfed and obscured
dwindle and disappear
dim and distant
din and traffic
directed and controlled
disagreeable and painful
disappointed and abashed
disapprobation and condemnation [approbation = warm approval;
disapproval and apprehension
discipline and development
discomfiture and degradation
disconcerted and dismayed
discontent and disquiet
discords and differences
discouraging and distressing
discovery and invention
discretion and moderation
disdain and mockery
disfigured and shapeless
disgrace and ruin
disgust and dismay
dishonor and ruin
disillusioned and ironical
disintegration and decay
disinterested and gracious
disjointed and voluble [voluble = fluent]
dislike and disdain
dislocation and chaos
dismay and apprehension
dispirit and discourage
disposition and power
disquietude and uneasiness
dissolute and hateful
dissolve and disappear
distant and diverse
distended and distorted
distinctive and appropriate
din and traffic
directed and controlled
disagreeable and painful
disappointed and abashed
disapprobation and condemnation [approbation = warm approval;
disapproval and apprehension
discipline and development
discomfiture and degradation
disconcerted and dismayed
discontent and disquiet
discords and differences
discouraging and distressing
discovery and invention
discretion and moderation
disdain and mockery
disfigured and shapeless
disgrace and ruin
disgust and dismay
dishonor and ruin
disillusioned and ironical
disintegration and decay
disinterested and gracious
disjointed and voluble [voluble = fluent]
dislike and disdain
dislocation and chaos
dismay and apprehension
dispirit and discourage
disposition and power
disquietude and uneasiness
dissolute and hateful
dissolve and disappear
distant and diverse
distended and distorted
distinctive and appropriate
denunciations and censures
deplorable and baneful
depravity and frivolity
depressing and discouraging
depth and richness
derision and skepticism
described and classified
desecration and decay
designs and activities
desires and motives
desolation and wretchedness
despatch and resolution
desperation and defiance
despise and satirize
despoiled and destroyed
despondency and melancholy
despotism and coercion
destitution and misery
desultory and slipshod [desultory = haphazardly; random]
detached and isolated
determined and courageous
detestable and intolerable
development and culture
devoted and unwavering
dictatorial and insolent
diction and pronunciation
differences and disputes
difficult and arduous
diffidence and constraint
diffuseness and warmth
dignified and austere
digressive and wanton
dilatory and hesitating [dilatory = postpone or delay]
diligent and sedulous [sedulous = persevering ]
deplorable and baneful
depravity and frivolity
depressing and discouraging
depth and richness
derision and skepticism
described and classified
desecration and decay
designs and activities
desires and motives
desolation and wretchedness
despatch and resolution
desperation and defiance
despise and satirize
despoiled and destroyed
despondency and melancholy
despotism and coercion
destitution and misery
desultory and slipshod [desultory = haphazardly; random]
detached and isolated
determined and courageous
detestable and intolerable
development and culture
devoted and unwavering
dictatorial and insolent
diction and pronunciation
differences and disputes
difficult and arduous
diffidence and constraint
diffuseness and warmth
dignified and austere
digressive and wanton
dilatory and hesitating [dilatory = postpone or delay]
diligent and sedulous [sedulous = persevering ]
dangers and pitfalls
daring and resolute
dark and starless
dart and quiver
dashing and careless
dates and details
dazzled and confounded
debased and demoralized
debilitating and futile
decencies and restraints
deception and cruelty
decided and definite
declamation and delivery
decline and decay
deductions and inferences
deep and subtle
deface and injure
defame and tarnish
deference and concession
defiant and antagonistic
deficient and unskilled
definite and memorable
deft and offensive
degraded and dishonored
deliberate and effective
delicate and lambent [lambent = effortlessly brilliant]
delight and consolation
delusion and trickery
demands and expectations
demeanor and conduct
demoralizing and enfeebling
denial and defense
dense and luminous
daring and resolute
dark and starless
dart and quiver
dashing and careless
dates and details
dazzled and confounded
debased and demoralized
debilitating and futile
decencies and restraints
deception and cruelty
decided and definite
declamation and delivery
decline and decay
deductions and inferences
deep and subtle
deface and injure
defame and tarnish
deference and concession
defiant and antagonistic
deficient and unskilled
definite and memorable
deft and offensive
degraded and dishonored
deliberate and effective
delicate and lambent [lambent = effortlessly brilliant]
delight and consolation
delusion and trickery
demands and expectations
demeanor and conduct
demoralizing and enfeebling
denial and defense
dense and luminous
comprehensive and accurate
compression and pregnancy
conceal and deny
conceit and impertinence
conceived and consummated
concentrated and intensified
conception and treatment
concern and wonder
concise and emphatic
concrete and definite
condemned and upbraided
conditions and limitations
confession and doubt
confidence and loyalty
confusion and dismay
congratulations and welcomings
connection and interdependence
conquered and transformed
conquest and acquisition
consciously and purposely
consistent and harmonious
conspicuous and impressive
conspired and contrived
constant and intimate
constructive and vital
contemn and decry [contemn = despise]
contempt and indignation
contentment and serenity
continuous and undeviating
contorted and fantastic
contradictions and inconsistencies
contrast and comparison
contrivance and disguise
conventional and limited
cool and indifferent
copiousness and vivacity
cordial and cheerful
corruption and decay
costly and gorgeous
counselor and guide
countless and indescribable
courage and endurance
courted and feted
courteous and sympathetic
coveted and deserved
coy and furtive
cramped and distorted
creative and inventive
credulity and ignorance
creeds and dogmas
crime and misdemeanor
crippled and maimed
crises and struggles
crisp and sparkling
critical and skeptical
crowded and jostled
crowned and sceptered
crude and primitive
cruel and rapacious
crumbling and shapeless
crushed and bewildered
cultured and refined
cumbrous and diffuse [cumbrous = cumbersome]
cunning and cruelty
curious and inexpressible
curved and channeled
customs and manners
cynical and contemptuous
compression and pregnancy
conceal and deny
conceit and impertinence
conceived and consummated
concentrated and intensified
conception and treatment
concern and wonder
concise and emphatic
concrete and definite
condemned and upbraided
conditions and limitations
confession and doubt
confidence and loyalty
confusion and dismay
congratulations and welcomings
connection and interdependence
conquered and transformed
conquest and acquisition
consciously and purposely
consistent and harmonious
conspicuous and impressive
conspired and contrived
constant and intimate
constructive and vital
contemn and decry [contemn = despise]
contempt and indignation
contentment and serenity
continuous and undeviating
contorted and fantastic
contradictions and inconsistencies
contrast and comparison
contrivance and disguise
conventional and limited
cool and indifferent
copiousness and vivacity
cordial and cheerful
corruption and decay
costly and gorgeous
counselor and guide
countless and indescribable
courage and endurance
courted and feted
courteous and sympathetic
coveted and deserved
coy and furtive
cramped and distorted
creative and inventive
credulity and ignorance
creeds and dogmas
crime and misdemeanor
crippled and maimed
crises and struggles
crisp and sparkling
critical and skeptical
crowded and jostled
crowned and sceptered
crude and primitive
cruel and rapacious
crumbling and shapeless
crushed and bewildered
cultured and refined
cumbrous and diffuse [cumbrous = cumbersome]
cunning and cruelty
curious and inexpressible
curved and channeled
customs and manners
cynical and contemptuous
chilled and stiffened
choleric and sanguine [choleric = easily angered; bad-tempered]
[sanguine = cheerfully confident; optimistic]
churlishness and violence [churlish = boorish or vulgar]
citation and allusion
civility and communicativeness
civilized and cultured
clamorous and wild
claptrap and platitude
clarity and straightforwardness
classical and perspicuous [perspicuous = easy to understand]
clatter and clang
clear and decisive
cleverness and acuteness
clogged and dulled
clumsy and smudgy
coarse and grotesque
coaxed and threatened
coexistent and correlative
cogent and conclusive
cohesion and sequence
cold and unemotional
comely and vivacious
comfort and security
command and threaten
common and familiar
commotion and annoyance
compact and complete
comparison and discrimination
compass and power
competent and experienced
complaints and imprecations [imprecation = a curse]
complaisance and readiness
complete and permanent
complex and various
composure and gracefulness
choleric and sanguine [choleric = easily angered; bad-tempered]
[sanguine = cheerfully confident; optimistic]
churlishness and violence [churlish = boorish or vulgar]
citation and allusion
civility and communicativeness
civilized and cultured
clamorous and wild
claptrap and platitude
clarity and straightforwardness
classical and perspicuous [perspicuous = easy to understand]
clatter and clang
clear and decisive
cleverness and acuteness
clogged and dulled
clumsy and smudgy
coarse and grotesque
coaxed and threatened
coexistent and correlative
cogent and conclusive
cohesion and sequence
cold and unemotional
comely and vivacious
comfort and security
command and threaten
common and familiar
commotion and annoyance
compact and complete
comparison and discrimination
compass and power
competent and experienced
complaints and imprecations [imprecation = a curse]
complaisance and readiness
complete and permanent
complex and various
composure and gracefulness
cajoled and bullied
calamity and sorrow
callous and impervious
calmness and composure
calumny and exaggeration [calumny = maliciously lying to injure a
candor and kindness
cant and hypocrisy [cant = hypocritically pious language]
capable and efficient
capacity and ability
capricious and unreasonable
career and occupation
cares and anxieties
carping and ungenerous
casual and transient
causes and circumstances
cautious and reticent
celebrated and praised
celerity and violence [celerity = swiftness of action]
ceremony and splendor
certain and verifiable
chafe and exasperate
chagrin and despondency
chance and opportunity
change and variety
chaos and confusion
character and temperament
characteristic and complete
charges and insinuations
charm and perfection
chaste and refined
cheap and convenient
checked and thwarted
cheerfulness and gaiety
cherish and guard
chief and paramount
calamity and sorrow
callous and impervious
calmness and composure
calumny and exaggeration [calumny = maliciously lying to injure a
candor and kindness
cant and hypocrisy [cant = hypocritically pious language]
capable and efficient
capacity and ability
capricious and unreasonable
career and occupation
cares and anxieties
carping and ungenerous
casual and transient
causes and circumstances
cautious and reticent
celebrated and praised
celerity and violence [celerity = swiftness of action]
ceremony and splendor
certain and verifiable
chafe and exasperate
chagrin and despondency
chance and opportunity
change and variety
chaos and confusion
character and temperament
characteristic and complete
charges and insinuations
charm and perfection
chaste and refined
cheap and convenient
checked and thwarted
cheerfulness and gaiety
cherish and guard
chief and paramount
blind and unreasoning
blundering and plundering
blurred and confused
bluster and vulgarity
boast and assertion
bold and haughty
bombast and egotism
bone and sinew
boundless and unlimited
bourgeois and snobbish
brag and chatter
bravado and cowardice
brave and chivalrous
breathless and reverential
brevity and condensation
bribery and corruption
brief and pithy
bright and vivacious
brilliancy and grace
brisk and enlivening
broad and deep
brooding and solemn
brutal and degrading
bulks and masses
bungling and trifling
businesslike and practicable
bustle and business
blundering and plundering
blurred and confused
bluster and vulgarity
boast and assertion
bold and haughty
bombast and egotism
bone and sinew
boundless and unlimited
bourgeois and snobbish
brag and chatter
bravado and cowardice
brave and chivalrous
breathless and reverential
brevity and condensation
bribery and corruption
brief and pithy
bright and vivacious
brilliancy and grace
brisk and enlivening
broad and deep
brooding and solemn
brutal and degrading
bulks and masses
bungling and trifling
businesslike and practicable
bustle and business
babel and confusion
backbone and sinew
baffled and disappointed
balanced and forceful
barbarity and wickedness
bards and sages
base and unworthy
beam and blaze
bearing and address
beautiful and majestic
bedraggled and disappointed
befogged and stupefied
beliefs and practises
bellowing and shouting
benevolence and candor
benign and hopeful
bent and disposition
benumbed and powerless
bewildered and stupefied
bigots and blockheads
billing and cooing
birth and breeding
bite and sting
bits and scraps
bitter and disdainful
black and solitary
bland and ingenious
blasphemous and profane
bleak and unrelenting
blend and harmonize
blessing and benediction
backbone and sinew
baffled and disappointed
balanced and forceful
barbarity and wickedness
bards and sages
base and unworthy
beam and blaze
bearing and address
beautiful and majestic
bedraggled and disappointed
befogged and stupefied
beliefs and practises
bellowing and shouting
benevolence and candor
benign and hopeful
bent and disposition
benumbed and powerless
bewildered and stupefied
bigots and blockheads
billing and cooing
birth and breeding
bite and sting
bits and scraps
bitter and disdainful
black and solitary
bland and ingenious
blasphemous and profane
bleak and unrelenting
blend and harmonize
blessing and benediction
apprehensive and anxious
appropriate and eloquent
approve and admire
apt and novel
archness and vivacity [archness = inappropriate playfulness]
ardent and aspiring
argument and inference
arid and unprofitable
arrangement and combination
arrogant and overbearing
artificial and elaborate
artistic and literary
artlessness and urbanity
ashamed and speechless
aspects and phases
aspiring and triumphal
assiduity and success
assimilated and combined
assuaged and pacified
astonished and curious
astound and perplex
athletic and nimble
atonement and forgiveness
atrocious and abominable
attacks and intrigues
attention and respect
attitudes and expressions
attractiveness and ability
audacity and skill
august and splendid
austere and icy
available and capable
avarice and cruelty
avidity and earnestness [avidity = desire; craving]
awake and active
awe and reverence
awkwardness and crudity
appropriate and eloquent
approve and admire
apt and novel
archness and vivacity [archness = inappropriate playfulness]
ardent and aspiring
argument and inference
arid and unprofitable
arrangement and combination
arrogant and overbearing
artificial and elaborate
artistic and literary
artlessness and urbanity
ashamed and speechless
aspects and phases
aspiring and triumphal
assiduity and success
assimilated and combined
assuaged and pacified
astonished and curious
astound and perplex
athletic and nimble
atonement and forgiveness
atrocious and abominable
attacks and intrigues
attention and respect
attitudes and expressions
attractiveness and ability
audacity and skill
august and splendid
austere and icy
available and capable
avarice and cruelty
avidity and earnestness [avidity = desire; craving]
awake and active
awe and reverence
awkwardness and crudity
aggressive and sullen
aghast and incredulous
agility and briskness
agitate and control
agony and despair
aids and auxiliaries
aim and purpose
airy and frivolous
alarm and uneasiness
alert and unsparing
all and sundry
allegiance and fidelity
alone and undistracted
alterations and additions
amazement and admiration
ambiguity and disagreement
ambition and determination
amiable and unpretending
ample and admirable
amusing and clever
analytical and critical
anarchy and chaos
ancient and venerable
anecdote and reminiscence
anger and fury
anguish and hopelessness
animated and effective
anomalies and absurdities
antagonism and opposition
antipathies and distastes
antiquated and obsolete
anxiety and trepidation
apathy and torpor
apologetic and uneasy
appalling and devastating
apparent and palpable
appearance and surroundings
aghast and incredulous
agility and briskness
agitate and control
agony and despair
aids and auxiliaries
aim and purpose
airy and frivolous
alarm and uneasiness
alert and unsparing
all and sundry
allegiance and fidelity
alone and undistracted
alterations and additions
amazement and admiration
ambiguity and disagreement
ambition and determination
amiable and unpretending
ample and admirable
amusing and clever
analytical and critical
anarchy and chaos
ancient and venerable
anecdote and reminiscence
anger and fury
anguish and hopelessness
animated and effective
anomalies and absurdities
antagonism and opposition
antipathies and distastes
antiquated and obsolete
anxiety and trepidation
apathy and torpor
apologetic and uneasy
appalling and devastating
apparent and palpable
appearance and surroundings
abashed and ashamed
abhorrence and repulsion
abilities and attainments
abject and hopeless
ably and vigorously
abrupt and perilous
absolute and eternal
absorbed and occupied
abstinence and self-denial
abstract and metaphysical
absurd and impertinent
abundant and sustained
abuse and slander
accentual and rhythmic
accidental and temporary
accomplished and popular
accurate and illuminating
achievement and character
acquisition and possession
active and aggressive
actual and immediate
acute and painful
admirable and accomplished
adorned and amplified
adroitness and judgment
adventurous and prodigal
advice and assistance
affable and courteous
affectation and coquetry
affectionate and warm-hearted
affluent and exuberant
affright and abhorrence
agencies and influences
ages and generations
aggrandizement and plunder
agreeable and ingenuous
abhorrence and repulsion
abilities and attainments
abject and hopeless
ably and vigorously
abrupt and perilous
absolute and eternal
absorbed and occupied
abstinence and self-denial
abstract and metaphysical
absurd and impertinent
abundant and sustained
abuse and slander
accentual and rhythmic
accidental and temporary
accomplished and popular
accurate and illuminating
achievement and character
acquisition and possession
active and aggressive
actual and immediate
acute and painful
admirable and accomplished
adorned and amplified
adroitness and judgment
adventurous and prodigal
advice and assistance
affable and courteous
affectation and coquetry
affectionate and warm-hearted
affluent and exuberant
affright and abhorrence
agencies and influences
ages and generations
aggrandizement and plunder
agreeable and ingenuous
zealous devotion
zigzag method
zoologically considered
zigzag method
zoologically considered
yawning space
yearning tenderness
yielding disposition
youthful ambition
yearning tenderness
yielding disposition
youthful ambition
widespread acclaim
wild extravagance
willful waywardness
willing allegiance
willowy nothingness
wily antagonist
winding pilgrimage
windowless soul
winged fancies
winking stars
winning plaintiveness
winsome girlhood
wise dissertations
wistful entreaty
withering scorn
witnessing approval
witty expedient
wizard influence
woebegone countenance
woeful weariness
wolfish tendency
womanlike loveliness
wonderful affluence
wonted activity [wonted = usual]
wordy warfare
worthy achievement
wounded avarice
wrathful pugnacity
wretched effeminacy
wriggling disputant
writhing opponent
wild extravagance
willful waywardness
willing allegiance
willowy nothingness
wily antagonist
winding pilgrimage
windowless soul
winged fancies
winking stars
winning plaintiveness
winsome girlhood
wise dissertations
wistful entreaty
withering scorn
witnessing approval
witty expedient
wizard influence
woebegone countenance
woeful weariness
wolfish tendency
womanlike loveliness
wonderful affluence
wonted activity [wonted = usual]
wordy warfare
worthy achievement
wounded avarice
wrathful pugnacity
wretched effeminacy
wriggling disputant
writhing opponent
wabbling enterprise [wabbling = wobbling]
waggishly sapient [sapient = wise]
wailing winds
wandering fancy
waning popularity
wanton butchery
warbling lute
warlike trappings
warning prophecy
warped purpose
warranted interference
wasteful prodigality
wavering courage
waxwork sex
wayward fancy
weakly imaginative
wearisome wordiness
wedded incompatibility
weighty argument
weird fascination
welcoming host
well-turned period
weltering current
whimsical touch
whirling confusion
whirring loom
whispering breeze
whistling winds
whited sepulcher
wholesome aspirations
wholly commendable
wicked ingratitude
wide signification
waggishly sapient [sapient = wise]
wailing winds
wandering fancy
waning popularity
wanton butchery
warbling lute
warlike trappings
warning prophecy
warped purpose
warranted interference
wasteful prodigality
wavering courage
waxwork sex
wayward fancy
weakly imaginative
wearisome wordiness
wedded incompatibility
weighty argument
weird fascination
welcoming host
well-turned period
weltering current
whimsical touch
whirling confusion
whirring loom
whispering breeze
whistling winds
whited sepulcher
wholesome aspirations
wholly commendable
wicked ingratitude
wide signification
versatile grace
vexatious circumstances
vicarious virtue
vigilant sensibility
vigorous invective [invective = abusive language]
vile desecrater
villainous inconsistency
vindictive sentiment
violent agitation
virgin grace
virile leadership
virtual surrender
virtuous disdain
virulent prejudice
visible embarrassment
visionary dreamer
vital interpretation
vitiated taste [vitiated = reduce the value; corrupt morally]
vitriolic sneer
vivacious excitement
vivid portrayal
vociferous appeal
voiceless multitude
volatile fragrance
volcanic suddenness
voluble prose [voluble = ready flow of speech; fluent]
voluminous biography
voluntary relinquishment
voracious animosity
votive wreath
vulgar prosperity
vulnerable foe
vexatious circumstances
vicarious virtue
vigilant sensibility
vigorous invective [invective = abusive language]
vile desecrater
villainous inconsistency
vindictive sentiment
violent agitation
virgin grace
virile leadership
virtual surrender
virtuous disdain
virulent prejudice
visible embarrassment
visionary dreamer
vital interpretation
vitiated taste [vitiated = reduce the value; corrupt morally]
vitriolic sneer
vivacious excitement
vivid portrayal
vociferous appeal
voiceless multitude
volatile fragrance
volcanic suddenness
voluble prose [voluble = ready flow of speech; fluent]
voluminous biography
voluntary relinquishment
voracious animosity
votive wreath
vulgar prosperity
vulnerable foe
vacant stupidity
vacillating obedience
vacuous ease
vagabondish spirit
vagrant wandering
vaguely discursive
vain contemplation
vainglorious show
valid objection
valuable acquisition
valueless assertion
vampire tongue
vanished centuries
vantage ground
vapid generalities [vapid = lacking liveliness, interest; dull]
variable temperament
variegated career [variegated = varied]
vast advantage
veering purpose
vehement panting
veiled insolence
velvety lawn
venerable placidity
venomous passion
veracious journals [veracious = honest; truthful; accurate; precise]
verbal audacities
verbose manner
verdant hope
verifiable facts
veritable triumph
vernacular expression
vernal charm [vernal = resembling spring; fresh; youthful]
vacillating obedience
vacuous ease
vagabondish spirit
vagrant wandering
vaguely discursive
vain contemplation
vainglorious show
valid objection
valuable acquisition
valueless assertion
vampire tongue
vanished centuries
vantage ground
vapid generalities [vapid = lacking liveliness, interest; dull]
variable temperament
variegated career [variegated = varied]
vast advantage
veering purpose
vehement panting
veiled insolence
velvety lawn
venerable placidity
venomous passion
veracious journals [veracious = honest; truthful; accurate; precise]
verbal audacities
verbose manner
verdant hope
verifiable facts
veritable triumph
vernacular expression
vernal charm [vernal = resembling spring; fresh; youthful]
unspeakable delight
unspiritual tone
unspoiled goodness
unstinted praise
unsullied virtue
unsurpassed purity
unswerving integrity
untameable energy
unthinkable hypothesis
untiring energy
untold calamity
untoward circumstances [untoward = improper]
untrammeled expression
untrodden woodland
untroubled repose
untuneful phrase
untutored mind
unusual audacity
unutterable sadness
unvarnished feeling
unwarranted limitation
unwasting energies
unwavering allegiance
unwearied diligence
unwelcome alliance
unwieldy bulk
unwilling homage
unwittingly mingled
unwonted kindness [unwonted = unusual]
unworldly foolishness
unworthy alliance
unyielding nature
uproarious laughter
upstart pretensions
useless fripperies [fripperies = pretentious, showy]
utmost scorn
unspiritual tone
unspoiled goodness
unstinted praise
unsullied virtue
unsurpassed purity
unswerving integrity
untameable energy
unthinkable hypothesis
untiring energy
untold calamity
untoward circumstances [untoward = improper]
untrammeled expression
untrodden woodland
untroubled repose
untuneful phrase
untutored mind
unusual audacity
unutterable sadness
unvarnished feeling
unwarranted limitation
unwasting energies
unwavering allegiance
unwearied diligence
unwelcome alliance
unwieldy bulk
unwilling homage
unwittingly mingled
unwonted kindness [unwonted = unusual]
unworldly foolishness
unworthy alliance
unyielding nature
uproarious laughter
upstart pretensions
useless fripperies [fripperies = pretentious, showy]
utmost scorn
unpurchasable luxury
unqualified submission
unquenchable tenderness
unquestionable genius
unquestioning fate
unreasonable pretense
unreasoning distrust
unredeemable forfeit
unrefreshing sameness
unrelaxing emphasis
unrelenting spirit
unremembered winter
unremitting toil
unrepining sadness
unreproved admiration
unrequited love
unresentful disposition
unreserved assent
unresisted authority
unresolved exceptions
unresponsive gloom
unresting speed
unrestrained anger
unrestricted ease
unrivaled distinction
unruffled concord
unsatisfied yearning
unscrupulous adventurer
unseasonable apology
unseemly mirth
unselfish fidelity
unsettled trait
unshakable foundation
unshrinking determination
unslackened volubility [volubility = ready flow of speech; fluent]
unsophisticated youth
unsparing abuse
unqualified submission
unquenchable tenderness
unquestionable genius
unquestioning fate
unreasonable pretense
unreasoning distrust
unredeemable forfeit
unrefreshing sameness
unrelaxing emphasis
unrelenting spirit
unremembered winter
unremitting toil
unrepining sadness
unreproved admiration
unrequited love
unresentful disposition
unreserved assent
unresisted authority
unresolved exceptions
unresponsive gloom
unresting speed
unrestrained anger
unrestricted ease
unrivaled distinction
unruffled concord
unsatisfied yearning
unscrupulous adventurer
unseasonable apology
unseemly mirth
unselfish fidelity
unsettled trait
unshakable foundation
unshrinking determination
unslackened volubility [volubility = ready flow of speech; fluent]
unsophisticated youth
unsparing abuse
uninterrupted process
unique personality
universal reprobation [reprobation = condemned to hell; severe
unjust depreciation
unknown appellations [appellation = name, title, or designation]
unlettered laborer
unlikely contingency
unlimited opulence
unlucky dissembler
unmanly timidity
unmastered possibility.
unmeaning farce
unmeasured hostility
unmellowed dawn
unmelodious echoes
unmerciful plundering
unmingled consent
unmistakably fabulous
unmitigated gloom
unmixed astonishment
unmodified passion
unmurmuring sea
unnecessary platitudes
unnumbered thousands
unobtrusive deference
unostentatious display
unpalatable truth
unparalleled atrocities
unpardonable error
unphilosophical dreamer
unpleasant excrescence [excrescence = abnormal enlargement]
unprecedented advance
unprejudiced intelligence
unpretentious character
unprincipled violence
unprofitable craft
unique personality
universal reprobation [reprobation = condemned to hell; severe
unjust depreciation
unknown appellations [appellation = name, title, or designation]
unlettered laborer
unlikely contingency
unlimited opulence
unlucky dissembler
unmanly timidity
unmastered possibility.
unmeaning farce
unmeasured hostility
unmellowed dawn
unmelodious echoes
unmerciful plundering
unmingled consent
unmistakably fabulous
unmitigated gloom
unmixed astonishment
unmodified passion
unmurmuring sea
unnecessary platitudes
unnumbered thousands
unobtrusive deference
unostentatious display
unpalatable truth
unparalleled atrocities
unpardonable error
unphilosophical dreamer
unpleasant excrescence [excrescence = abnormal enlargement]
unprecedented advance
unprejudiced intelligence
unpretentious character
unprincipled violence
unprofitable craft
unfathomable indifference
unfeigned assent
unfettered liberty
unflagging zest
unflattering truth
unflecked confidence
unfledged novice [unfledged = young bird without feathers necessary to
unflinching zeal
unfolding consciousness
unforced acquiescence
unforeseen vicissitudes [vicissitudes = sudden or unexpected changes]
unforgivable tragedy
unfounded conjecture
unfulfilled longing
ungainly figure
ungarnished reality
ungenerously resolved
ungenial temperament
ungovernable vehemence
ungracious temper
ungrudging tribute
unguessed riches
unhallowed threshold
unhampered expression
unhappy predecessor
unheeded beauties
unheroic measure
unhesitating faith
unhindered flight
unholy triumph
uniform blending
unimaginable bitterness
unimpassioned dignity
unimpeachable sentiment
unimpeded activity
uninstructed critic
unfeigned assent
unfettered liberty
unflagging zest
unflattering truth
unflecked confidence
unfledged novice [unfledged = young bird without feathers necessary to
unflinching zeal
unfolding consciousness
unforced acquiescence
unforeseen vicissitudes [vicissitudes = sudden or unexpected changes]
unforgivable tragedy
unfounded conjecture
unfulfilled longing
ungainly figure
ungarnished reality
ungenerously resolved
ungenial temperament
ungovernable vehemence
ungracious temper
ungrudging tribute
unguessed riches
unhallowed threshold
unhampered expression
unhappy predecessor
unheeded beauties
unheroic measure
unhesitating faith
unhindered flight
unholy triumph
uniform blending
unimaginable bitterness
unimpassioned dignity
unimpeachable sentiment
unimpeded activity
uninstructed critic
underlying assumption
undeviating consistency
undignified peccadilloes [peccadilloes = small sin or fault]
undiluted skepticism
undiminished relish
undimmed luster
undisciplined genius
undisguised amusement
undismayed expression
undisputed ascendency
undistracted attention
undisturbed silence
undivided energies
undoubted authenticity
undue predilection [predilection = preference]
undulating hills
unduly troublesome
undying friendship
unearthly gladness
uneasy craving
unembarrassed scrutiny
unembittered sweetness
unending exactions
unenlightened zealot
unenvied insipidity
unequaled skill
unequivocally resented
unerring fidelity
unessential details
unexampled sweetness
unexhausted kindliness
unexpected confidence
unfailing courtesy
unfaltering glance
unfamiliar garb
undeviating consistency
undignified peccadilloes [peccadilloes = small sin or fault]
undiluted skepticism
undiminished relish
undimmed luster
undisciplined genius
undisguised amusement
undismayed expression
undisputed ascendency
undistracted attention
undisturbed silence
undivided energies
undoubted authenticity
undue predilection [predilection = preference]
undulating hills
unduly troublesome
undying friendship
unearthly gladness
uneasy craving
unembarrassed scrutiny
unembittered sweetness
unending exactions
unenlightened zealot
unenvied insipidity
unequaled skill
unequivocally resented
unerring fidelity
unessential details
unexampled sweetness
unexhausted kindliness
unexpected confidence
unfailing courtesy
unfaltering glance
unfamiliar garb
unbridgeable chasm
unbridled fancy
unbroken continuity
uncanny fears
unceasing variation
unceremonious talk
uncertain tenure
unchallenged supremacy
unchanging affection
uncharitable ambition
uncharted depths
unchastised offense
unclouded splendor
uncomfortable doubt
uncommonly attractive
uncommunicable quality
uncomplaining endurance
uncomprehending smile
uncompromising dogmatism
unconcealed aversion
unconditioned freedom
uncongenial task
unconquerable patience
unconscious serenity
uncontrollable delight
unconventional demeanor
uncounted generations
uncouth gambols
uncritical position
unctuously belaud [unctuously = exaggerated, insincere] [belaud =
praise greatly]
undaunted defender
undazzled eyes
undefined anticipations
undeniable charm
unbridled fancy
unbroken continuity
uncanny fears
unceasing variation
unceremonious talk
uncertain tenure
unchallenged supremacy
unchanging affection
uncharitable ambition
uncharted depths
unchastised offense
unclouded splendor
uncomfortable doubt
uncommonly attractive
uncommunicable quality
uncomplaining endurance
uncomprehending smile
uncompromising dogmatism
unconcealed aversion
unconditioned freedom
uncongenial task
unconquerable patience
unconscious serenity
uncontrollable delight
unconventional demeanor
uncounted generations
uncouth gambols
uncritical position
unctuously belaud [unctuously = exaggerated, insincere] [belaud =
praise greatly]
undaunted defender
undazzled eyes
undefined anticipations
undeniable charm
ubiquitous activity
ugly revelation
ulterior purpose
ultimate sanction
ultrafashionable world
unabashed insolence
unabated pleasure
unaccountable protervity [protervity = peevishness; petulance]
unaccustomed toil
unadorned style
unaffected pathos
unaffrighted innocence
unagitated abstraction
unalloyed satisfaction
unalterable determination
unanimous acclamation
unanswerable argument
unapologetic air
unappeasable resentment
unapproached supremacy
unassailable position
unassuming dignity
unattainable perfection
unavailing consolation
unavoidable propensities
unballasted eloquence [unballasted = unsteady; wavering]
unbeaten track
unbecoming behavior
unbending reserve
unbiased judgment
unblemished character
unblinking observation
unblushing iteration
unbounded hospitality
ugly revelation
ulterior purpose
ultimate sanction
ultrafashionable world
unabashed insolence
unabated pleasure
unaccountable protervity [protervity = peevishness; petulance]
unaccustomed toil
unadorned style
unaffected pathos
unaffrighted innocence
unagitated abstraction
unalloyed satisfaction
unalterable determination
unanimous acclamation
unanswerable argument
unapologetic air
unappeasable resentment
unapproached supremacy
unassailable position
unassuming dignity
unattainable perfection
unavailing consolation
unavoidable propensities
unballasted eloquence [unballasted = unsteady; wavering]
unbeaten track
unbecoming behavior
unbending reserve
unbiased judgment
unblemished character
unblinking observation
unblushing iteration
unbounded hospitality
traditional type
tragic intensity
trailing sweetness
tranquil grandeur
transcendent power
transfiguring tints
transient emotion
translucent cup
transmuting touch
transparent complement
treacherous intelligence
treasured possessions
trembling anxiety
tremendous domination
tremulous sense [tremulous = timid or fearful]
trenchant phrase [trenchant = forceful, effective, vigorous]
trifling superfluity
trite remark
triumphant boldness
trivial conventionality
tropical luxuriance
troubled inertness
trudging wayfarer
trustworthy source
tumultuous rapture
tuneful expression
turbulent times
turgid appeal [turgid = excessively ornate or complex]
twilight shadow
twittered sleepily
twofold bearing
typical excellence
tyrannical disposition
tragic intensity
trailing sweetness
tranquil grandeur
transcendent power
transfiguring tints
transient emotion
translucent cup
transmuting touch
transparent complement
treacherous intelligence
treasured possessions
trembling anxiety
tremendous domination
tremulous sense [tremulous = timid or fearful]
trenchant phrase [trenchant = forceful, effective, vigorous]
trifling superfluity
trite remark
triumphant boldness
trivial conventionality
tropical luxuriance
troubled inertness
trudging wayfarer
trustworthy source
tumultuous rapture
tuneful expression
turbulent times
turgid appeal [turgid = excessively ornate or complex]
twilight shadow
twittered sleepily
twofold bearing
typical excellence
tyrannical disposition
thorny pathway
thorough uprightness
thoughtful silence
thoughtless whim
threadbare sentiment
threatened wrath
thrilling eloquence
throbbing pride
throneless monarch
thronging images
thundering rage
thwarted impulse
tideless depth
tigerish stealth
tightened ominously
timid acquiescence
tingling expectation
tinkling cymbal
tipsy jocularity [jocularity = given to joking]
tip-toe curiosity
tireless egotism
tiresome braggadocio [braggadocio = pretentious bragging]
titanic force
toilsome pleasure
tolerably comprehensive
tolerant indifference
tormenting thought
torn asunder
torpid faculties
tortuous labyrinth
tortured innocence
totally engrossed
touching pathos
tousled head
towering pride
traceable consanguinity
trackless forest
thorough uprightness
thoughtful silence
thoughtless whim
threadbare sentiment
threatened wrath
thrilling eloquence
throbbing pride
throneless monarch
thronging images
thundering rage
thwarted impulse
tideless depth
tigerish stealth
tightened ominously
timid acquiescence
tingling expectation
tinkling cymbal
tipsy jocularity [jocularity = given to joking]
tip-toe curiosity
tireless egotism
tiresome braggadocio [braggadocio = pretentious bragging]
titanic force
toilsome pleasure
tolerably comprehensive
tolerant indifference
tormenting thought
torn asunder
torpid faculties
tortuous labyrinth
tortured innocence
totally engrossed
touching pathos
tousled head
towering pride
traceable consanguinity
trackless forest
tacit assumption
taciturn magnanimity [taciturn = habitually untalkative]
tactical niceties
tameless energy
tangible realities
tangled network
tardy recognition
tarnished reputation
tart temper
tasteful gratification
tasteless insipidity
tattered mendicant [mendicant = beggar]
taunting accusation
tawdry pretentiousness
tearful sensibilities
tearing gallop
teasing persistency
technical precision
tedious formality
teeming population
temerarious assertion [temerarious = presumptuous; reckless]
temperamental complacency
tempered pathos
tempestuous breeze
temporary expedient
tenacious memory
tender solicitude
tense attention
tentative moment
tepid conviction
termagant wife [termagant = quarrelsome, scolding]
terrible sublimity
terrifying imprecations [imprecations = curses]
terse realism
testamentary document
thankless task
thawing laughter
theological complexities
thirsting ear
taciturn magnanimity [taciturn = habitually untalkative]
tactical niceties
tameless energy
tangible realities
tangled network
tardy recognition
tarnished reputation
tart temper
tasteful gratification
tasteless insipidity
tattered mendicant [mendicant = beggar]
taunting accusation
tawdry pretentiousness
tearful sensibilities
tearing gallop
teasing persistency
technical precision
tedious formality
teeming population
temerarious assertion [temerarious = presumptuous; reckless]
temperamental complacency
tempered pathos
tempestuous breeze
temporary expedient
tenacious memory
tender solicitude
tense attention
tentative moment
tepid conviction
termagant wife [termagant = quarrelsome, scolding]
terrible sublimity
terrifying imprecations [imprecations = curses]
terse realism
testamentary document
thankless task
thawing laughter
theological complexities
thirsting ear
subversive accident
successfully dispelled
successive undulations
succinct phrase
sudden perturbation
sullen submission
summary vengeance
sumptuously decorated
superabundant energy
superannuated coquette [superannuated = retired] [coquette = flirt]
superb command
supercilious discontent [supercilious = haughty disdain]
superficial surliness
superfluous precaution
superhuman vigor
superior skill
superlative cleverness
supernatural incident
supine resignation
suppliant posture
suppressed excitement
supreme exaltation
surging multitude
surly tone
surpassing loveliness
surprising intimacy
surreptitious means [surreptitious = clandestine; stealthy]
sustained vigor
swaggering bully
swampy flatness
swarming population
sweeping assertion
sweet peaceableness
swelling magnitude
swift transition
swinging cadence
symmetrical brow
sympathetic insight
syncopated tune
synthetic judgment
systematic interaction
successfully dispelled
successive undulations
succinct phrase
sudden perturbation
sullen submission
summary vengeance
sumptuously decorated
superabundant energy
superannuated coquette [superannuated = retired] [coquette = flirt]
superb command
supercilious discontent [supercilious = haughty disdain]
superficial surliness
superfluous precaution
superhuman vigor
superior skill
superlative cleverness
supernatural incident
supine resignation
suppliant posture
suppressed excitement
supreme exaltation
surging multitude
surly tone
surpassing loveliness
surprising intimacy
surreptitious means [surreptitious = clandestine; stealthy]
sustained vigor
swaggering bully
swampy flatness
swarming population
sweeping assertion
sweet peaceableness
swelling magnitude
swift transition
swinging cadence
symmetrical brow
sympathetic insight
syncopated tune
synthetic judgment
systematic interaction
stinted endowment
stipulated reward
stock pleasantries
stoic callousness
stolid obstinacy
stony stare
storied traditions
stormy passion
stout assertion
straggling association
straightforward logic
straightway vanished
strained interpretation
straitened circumstance
strange wistfulness
strenuous insistence
striking diversity
stringent statement
strong aversion
stubborn reality
studious reserve
stultified mind
stunning crash
stupendous magnitude
stupid bewilderment
sturdy genuineness
subaltern attitude [subaltern = secondary]
subconscious conviction
subduing influence
sublime anticipations
submissive behavior
subordinate pursuit
subsidiary advantage
substantial agreement
subterranean sunlessness
subtle sophistry
stipulated reward
stock pleasantries
stoic callousness
stolid obstinacy
stony stare
storied traditions
stormy passion
stout assertion
straggling association
straightforward logic
straightway vanished
strained interpretation
straitened circumstance
strange wistfulness
strenuous insistence
striking diversity
stringent statement
strong aversion
stubborn reality
studious reserve
stultified mind
stunning crash
stupendous magnitude
stupid bewilderment
sturdy genuineness
subaltern attitude [subaltern = secondary]
subconscious conviction
subduing influence
sublime anticipations
submissive behavior
subordinate pursuit
subsidiary advantage
substantial agreement
subterranean sunlessness
subtle sophistry
splenetic imagination [splenetic = ill humor or irritability]
spontaneous challenge
sporadic exception
sportive gaiety
spotless honor
sprightly talk
spurious enthusiasm
squalid distress [squalid = Dirty and wretched; morally repulsive;
squandered talent
squeamish taste
staggering surprise
stainless womanhood
stale sciolism [sciolism = superficial knowledge]
stalwart defiance
stammered apology
starched sterility
starlit eminence
startling eccentricity
starving proletariat
stately stride
statesmanlike person
statistical knowledge
statuesque immobility
staunch manhood
steadfast obedience
stentorian voice [stentorian = extremely loud]
stereotyped commonness
sterile hatred
sterling sense
stern defiance
stiff conceit
stifled convulsions
still solitudes
stilted bombast
stimulating impression
stinging reproach
spontaneous challenge
sporadic exception
sportive gaiety
spotless honor
sprightly talk
spurious enthusiasm
squalid distress [squalid = Dirty and wretched; morally repulsive;
squandered talent
squeamish taste
staggering surprise
stainless womanhood
stale sciolism [sciolism = superficial knowledge]
stalwart defiance
stammered apology
starched sterility
starlit eminence
startling eccentricity
starving proletariat
stately stride
statesmanlike person
statistical knowledge
statuesque immobility
staunch manhood
steadfast obedience
stentorian voice [stentorian = extremely loud]
stereotyped commonness
sterile hatred
sterling sense
stern defiance
stiff conceit
stifled convulsions
still solitudes
stilted bombast
stimulating impression
stinging reproach
soaring ambition
sobbing wail
sober melancholy
social banalities
sociological bearing
soft allurement
solemn emptiness
solid knowledge
solidifying substance
solitary grandeur
somber relations
somewhat scandalized
somnolent state
sonorous simplicity [sonorous = full, deep, rich sound; impressive in
style of speech]
sophistical argument
soporific emanations [soporific = inducing sleep]
sordid selfishness
sorely beset
sorrowful resignation
soulless mechanism
sounding verbiage
sourly ascetic
sovereign panacea
spacious tracklessness
sparkling splendor
specialized skill
specific characteristics
specious artifice [specious = having the ring plausibility but actually
spectral fears
speculative rubbish
speechless surprise
speedy extinction
spendthrift prodigality
spirited vindication
spiritual dazzlement
splendid irony
sobbing wail
sober melancholy
social banalities
sociological bearing
soft allurement
solemn emptiness
solid knowledge
solidifying substance
solitary grandeur
somber relations
somewhat scandalized
somnolent state
sonorous simplicity [sonorous = full, deep, rich sound; impressive in
style of speech]
sophistical argument
soporific emanations [soporific = inducing sleep]
sordid selfishness
sorely beset
sorrowful resignation
soulless mechanism
sounding verbiage
sourly ascetic
sovereign panacea
spacious tracklessness
sparkling splendor
specialized skill
specific characteristics
specious artifice [specious = having the ring plausibility but actually
spectral fears
speculative rubbish
speechless surprise
speedy extinction
spendthrift prodigality
spirited vindication
spiritual dazzlement
splendid irony
silly escapades
silvery sea
similar amplitude
simple rectitude
simulated rapture
simultaneous acclamation
sincere hospitality
singular sensitiveness
sinister forebodings
sinuous movements
skeptical contempt
skillfully maintained
skulking look
slackened tension
slavish imitation
sledge-hammer blows
sleepless soul
sleepy enchantment
slender resource
slight acceleration
slovenly deportment
slow stupefaction
sluggish resolution
slumbering stream
smacking breeze
small aptitude
smiling repose
smirking commonplace
smoldering resentment
smothered sob
smug hypocrisy
snappish impertinence
sneering jibes
snowy whiteness
snug retreat
silvery sea
similar amplitude
simple rectitude
simulated rapture
simultaneous acclamation
sincere hospitality
singular sensitiveness
sinister forebodings
sinuous movements
skeptical contempt
skillfully maintained
skulking look
slackened tension
slavish imitation
sledge-hammer blows
sleepless soul
sleepy enchantment
slender resource
slight acceleration
slovenly deportment
slow stupefaction
sluggish resolution
slumbering stream
smacking breeze
small aptitude
smiling repose
smirking commonplace
smoldering resentment
smothered sob
smug hypocrisy
snappish impertinence
sneering jibes
snowy whiteness
snug retreat
shadowy abstraction
shady retirements
shallow sophistry
sham enthusiasm
shambling gait
shamed demeanor
shameless injustice
shapeless conformations
shaping impulses
sharp rebuke
shattered reason
sheepish look
sheer boredom
sheltering hypocrisy
shifting panorama
shimmering gaiety
shining virtues
shivering soul
shocking rudeness
shoreless sea
shortening days
shrewd suspicion
shrewish look
shrill dissonance
shrunken wisp
shuddering reluctance
shuffling preliminaries
shy obeisance
sibilant oath [sibilant = producing a hissing sound]
sickening jealousy
sidelong glance
significant symbol
silent agony
silken filaments
shady retirements
shallow sophistry
sham enthusiasm
shambling gait
shamed demeanor
shameless injustice
shapeless conformations
shaping impulses
sharp rebuke
shattered reason
sheepish look
sheer boredom
sheltering hypocrisy
shifting panorama
shimmering gaiety
shining virtues
shivering soul
shocking rudeness
shoreless sea
shortening days
shrewd suspicion
shrewish look
shrill dissonance
shrunken wisp
shuddering reluctance
shuffling preliminaries
shy obeisance
sibilant oath [sibilant = producing a hissing sound]
sickening jealousy
sidelong glance
significant symbol
silent agony
silken filaments
sculptured sphinx
scurrilous blustering [scurrilous = foul-mouthed]
searching eye
secluded byways
secret dismay
sectarian sternness
secure anchorage
sedentary occupation
seditious speaking [seditious = arousing to action or rebellion]
seductive whisperings
sedulously fostered [sedulously = persevering]
seeming artlessness
seething hate
selective instinct
self-conscious activity
self-deprecating irony
selfish vindictiveness
selfsame strain
senile sensualist
senseless gibberish
sensibly abated
sensitively courteous
sensuous music
sententious wisdom [sententious = terse and energetic; pithy]
sentimental twaddle
sepulchral quiet
sequestered nook
seraphic promiscuousness
serene triumph
serious resentment
serpentine curves
servile obedience
sesquipedalian words [sesquipedalian = long]
settled dislike
severe censure
shabby imitation
scurrilous blustering [scurrilous = foul-mouthed]
searching eye
secluded byways
secret dismay
sectarian sternness
secure anchorage
sedentary occupation
seditious speaking [seditious = arousing to action or rebellion]
seductive whisperings
sedulously fostered [sedulously = persevering]
seeming artlessness
seething hate
selective instinct
self-conscious activity
self-deprecating irony
selfish vindictiveness
selfsame strain
senile sensualist
senseless gibberish
sensibly abated
sensitively courteous
sensuous music
sententious wisdom [sententious = terse and energetic; pithy]
sentimental twaddle
sepulchral quiet
sequestered nook
seraphic promiscuousness
serene triumph
serious resentment
serpentine curves
servile obedience
sesquipedalian words [sesquipedalian = long]
settled dislike
severe censure
shabby imitation
sacerdotal preeminence [sacerdotal = priestly]
sacred tenderness
sacrilegious violence
sacrosanct fetish
sadly disconcerted
sagacious mind [sagacious = keen discernment, sound judgment]
sage reflections
saintly serenity
salient feature
salutary amusement
sanctimonious hypocrite [sanctimonious = feigning piety]
sane observer
sanguinary measures [sanguinary = eager for bloodshed; bloodthirsty]
sanguine expectations [sanguine = cheerfully confident; optimistic]
sarcastic incredulity
sardonic taciturnity [sardonic = cynically mocking] [taciturnity =
habitually untalkative]
satirical critic
satisfying equipoise [equipoise = equilibrium]
savage satirist
scalding jests
scandalous falsehood
scant recognition
scathing satire
scattered distractions
scholarly attainments
scientific curiosity
scintillating wit
scoffing defiance
scorching criticism
scornful negligence
scriptural exegesis [exegesis = Critical explanation or analysis]
scrubby foreland
scrupulous fidelity
sacred tenderness
sacrilegious violence
sacrosanct fetish
sadly disconcerted
sagacious mind [sagacious = keen discernment, sound judgment]
sage reflections
saintly serenity
salient feature
salutary amusement
sanctimonious hypocrite [sanctimonious = feigning piety]
sane observer
sanguinary measures [sanguinary = eager for bloodshed; bloodthirsty]
sanguine expectations [sanguine = cheerfully confident; optimistic]
sarcastic incredulity
sardonic taciturnity [sardonic = cynically mocking] [taciturnity =
habitually untalkative]
satirical critic
satisfying equipoise [equipoise = equilibrium]
savage satirist
scalding jests
scandalous falsehood
scant recognition
scathing satire
scattered distractions
scholarly attainments
scientific curiosity
scintillating wit
scoffing defiance
scorching criticism
scornful negligence
scriptural exegesis [exegesis = Critical explanation or analysis]
scrubby foreland
scrupulous fidelity
resultant limitation
retaliating blows
retarding influence
retreating footsteps
revengeful scowl
reverent enthusiasm
revolting cynicism
revolutionary tradition
rhapsodical eulogy
rhetorical amplification
rhythmical movements
richly emblazoned
righteous indignation
rightful distinction
rigid propriety
rigorous reservation
riotous clamor
ripe reflection
rising misgivings
riveted attention
robust sense
rollicking mirth
romantic solitudes
rooted habits
roseate tints
rough brutality
roundabout approach
rousing chorus
royal exultations
rubicund tinge [rubicund = healthy rosiness]
rude awakening
rudimentary effort
rueful conclusion
ruffled feelings
rugged austerity
ruling motive
rumbling hoarseness
ruminating mood
rural imagery
rustic simplicity
rustling forest
ruthless commercialism
retaliating blows
retarding influence
retreating footsteps
revengeful scowl
reverent enthusiasm
revolting cynicism
revolutionary tradition
rhapsodical eulogy
rhetorical amplification
rhythmical movements
richly emblazoned
righteous indignation
rightful distinction
rigid propriety
rigorous reservation
riotous clamor
ripe reflection
rising misgivings
riveted attention
robust sense
rollicking mirth
romantic solitudes
rooted habits
roseate tints
rough brutality
roundabout approach
rousing chorus
royal exultations
rubicund tinge [rubicund = healthy rosiness]
rude awakening
rudimentary effort
rueful conclusion
ruffled feelings
rugged austerity
ruling motive
rumbling hoarseness
ruminating mood
rural imagery
rustic simplicity
rustling forest
ruthless commercialism
refining influence
reflective habits
refractory temper
refreshing novelty
regal countenance
regretful melancholy
regular recurrence
relatively mild
relaxed discipline
relentless justice
religious scruples
reluctant tolerance
remarkable sagacity [sagacity = wisdom]
remedial measure
remorseless logic
remote epoch
renowned achievement
repeated falsification
repelling vices
repentant sense
reprehensible action
repressed ardor
reproachful misgiving
repulsive spectacle
reputed disposition
requisite expertness
resentful flame
resilient spirit
resistless might
resolute daring
resonant gaiety
resounding blare
resourceful wickedness
respectful condescension
resplendent brightness
responsive throb
restless inquisitiveness
restorative influence
restricted meaning
reflective habits
refractory temper
refreshing novelty
regal countenance
regretful melancholy
regular recurrence
relatively mild
relaxed discipline
relentless justice
religious scruples
reluctant tolerance
remarkable sagacity [sagacity = wisdom]
remedial measure
remorseless logic
remote epoch
renowned achievement
repeated falsification
repelling vices
repentant sense
reprehensible action
repressed ardor
reproachful misgiving
repulsive spectacle
reputed disposition
requisite expertness
resentful flame
resilient spirit
resistless might
resolute daring
resonant gaiety
resounding blare
resourceful wickedness
respectful condescension
resplendent brightness
responsive throb
restless inquisitiveness
restorative influence
restricted meaning
racial prejudice
racy humor
radiant happiness
radical distinction
raging billows
rambling looseness
rampant wickedness
rancorous animosities
random preconceptions
rank luxuriance
ranting optimism
rapacious speculation [rapacious = taking by force; plundering]
rapid transitions
rapturous adoration
rare endowment
rarefied humor
rashly overrated
rational discourse
ravenous eagerness
ravishing spectacle
raw composition
reactionary movement
ready sympathy
realistic portrayal
reanimating ideas
reasonably probable
rebellious thought
reciprocal influence
reckless lavishness
recognized authority
recondite description [recondite = not easily understood; abstruse]
reconstructive era
recovered composure
recumbent figure
recurring doubt
reddening dawn
redoubled activity
racy humor
radiant happiness
radical distinction
raging billows
rambling looseness
rampant wickedness
rancorous animosities
random preconceptions
rank luxuriance
ranting optimism
rapacious speculation [rapacious = taking by force; plundering]
rapid transitions
rapturous adoration
rare endowment
rarefied humor
rashly overrated
rational discourse
ravenous eagerness
ravishing spectacle
raw composition
reactionary movement
ready sympathy
realistic portrayal
reanimating ideas
reasonably probable
rebellious thought
reciprocal influence
reckless lavishness
recognized authority
recondite description [recondite = not easily understood; abstruse]
reconstructive era
recovered composure
recumbent figure
recurring doubt
reddening dawn
redoubled activity
quailing culprit
quaint peculiarities
qualifying service
quavering voice
queer tolerance
quenchless despair
querulous disposition [querulous = habitually complaining]
questionable data
questioning gaze
quibbling speech
quick sensibility
quiescent melancholy
quiet cynicism
quivering excitement
quixotic impulse
quizzical expression
quondam foe [quondam = former]
quaint peculiarities
qualifying service
quavering voice
queer tolerance
quenchless despair
querulous disposition [querulous = habitually complaining]
questionable data
questioning gaze
quibbling speech
quick sensibility
quiescent melancholy
quiet cynicism
quivering excitement
quixotic impulse
quizzical expression
quondam foe [quondam = former]
propitious moment [propitious = auspicious, favorable]
proportionately vigilant
proprietary sense
prosaic excellence [prosaic = dull and lacking excitement]
prospective success
prosperity revival
prostrate servility
protoplasmic ancestors
protracted agony
proud destiny
proverbial situation
provincial prejudice
provoked hostility
prudential wisdom
prurient desire
prying criticism
psychic processes
public derision
puerile fickleness [puerile = immature; childish]
pugnacious defiance
pulsating life
punctilious care [punctilious = precise; scrupulous]
pungent epigram
puny dimensions
purblind brutality [purblind = partly blind; slow to understanding]
pure coincidence
purgatorial fires
puritanical primness
purplish shadows
purposed attempt
purposeful drama
pursuing fancies
pusillanimous desertion [pusillanimous = cowardly]
pyrotechnic outburst
proportionately vigilant
proprietary sense
prosaic excellence [prosaic = dull and lacking excitement]
prospective success
prosperity revival
prostrate servility
protoplasmic ancestors
protracted agony
proud destiny
proverbial situation
provincial prejudice
provoked hostility
prudential wisdom
prurient desire
prying criticism
psychic processes
public derision
puerile fickleness [puerile = immature; childish]
pugnacious defiance
pulsating life
punctilious care [punctilious = precise; scrupulous]
pungent epigram
puny dimensions
purblind brutality [purblind = partly blind; slow to understanding]
pure coincidence
purgatorial fires
puritanical primness
purplish shadows
purposed attempt
purposeful drama
pursuing fancies
pusillanimous desertion [pusillanimous = cowardly]
pyrotechnic outburst
primordial conditions
princely courtesy
prismatic blush
pristine dignity
private contempt
privileged caste
prized possession
problematic age
prodigally lavished
prodigious variety
productive discipline
profane denunciation
professedly imitated
professional garrulity [garrulity = excessive talkativeness]
proffered service
profitable adventure
profligate expenditure
profound conviction
profuse generosity
projected visit
prolegomenous babbler [prolegomenous = preliminary discussion]
prolific outpouring
prolix narrative [prolix = wordy]
prolonged happiness
promiscuous multitude
promising scions [scions = descendants]
prompt courage
propagandist literature
propelling impulse
proper punctilio [punctilio = fine point of etiquette]
prophetic vision
princely courtesy
prismatic blush
pristine dignity
private contempt
privileged caste
prized possession
problematic age
prodigally lavished
prodigious variety
productive discipline
profane denunciation
professedly imitated
professional garrulity [garrulity = excessive talkativeness]
proffered service
profitable adventure
profligate expenditure
profound conviction
profuse generosity
projected visit
prolegomenous babbler [prolegomenous = preliminary discussion]
prolific outpouring
prolix narrative [prolix = wordy]
prolonged happiness
promiscuous multitude
promising scions [scions = descendants]
prompt courage
propagandist literature
propelling impulse
proper punctilio [punctilio = fine point of etiquette]
prophetic vision
populous fertility
portentous gulf
positively deteriorating
posthumous glory
potential energy
powerful stimulant
practical helpfulness
precarious path
precautionary measure
precipitous flight
precise purpose
precocious wisdom
preconceived view
predatory writers
predestined spinster
predominant habit
pregnant hint
preliminary assumption
premature ripening
premonitory symptoms
preoccupied attention
prepossessing appearance
preposterous assertion
prescient reflection [prescient = perceiving the significance of events
before they occur]
prescribed conditions
presiding genius
pressing necessity
pretended surprise
pretentious dignity
preternatural sagacity [preternatural = extraordinary] [sagacity =
farsighted; wise]
pretty plaintiveness
prevailing misconception
priestly austerity
primal energy
prime factor [no integer factors; irreducible; 1,2,3,5,7,11...]
primeval silence
portentous gulf
positively deteriorating
posthumous glory
potential energy
powerful stimulant
practical helpfulness
precarious path
precautionary measure
precipitous flight
precise purpose
precocious wisdom
preconceived view
predatory writers
predestined spinster
predominant habit
pregnant hint
preliminary assumption
premature ripening
premonitory symptoms
preoccupied attention
prepossessing appearance
preposterous assertion
prescient reflection [prescient = perceiving the significance of events
before they occur]
prescribed conditions
presiding genius
pressing necessity
pretended surprise
pretentious dignity
preternatural sagacity [preternatural = extraordinary] [sagacity =
farsighted; wise]
pretty plaintiveness
prevailing misconception
priestly austerity
primal energy
prime factor [no integer factors; irreducible; 1,2,3,5,7,11...]
primeval silence
photographic exactitude
physical convulsion
pictorial embellishments
picturesque details
piercing clearness
pinchbeck dignity [pinchbeck = cheap imitation]
pining melancholy
pioneering spirit
pious platitudes
piquant allusions [piquant = attracting or delighting]
pitiable frenzy
pitiless precision
pivotal point
placid stupidity
plainly expedient
plainspoken rebuke
plaintive cadence
plastic mind
plausible commonplaces
playful wit
pleasing reveries
pleasurable excitement
plenary argument
plentiful harvest
plighted word [plighted = promised by a solemn pledge]
poignant clearness
pointless tale
poisonous counsels
polished ease
polite indifference
political malcontent
polluting taints
pompous platitudes
ponderous research
pontifical manner
popular resentment
physical convulsion
pictorial embellishments
picturesque details
piercing clearness
pinchbeck dignity [pinchbeck = cheap imitation]
pining melancholy
pioneering spirit
pious platitudes
piquant allusions [piquant = attracting or delighting]
pitiable frenzy
pitiless precision
pivotal point
placid stupidity
plainly expedient
plainspoken rebuke
plaintive cadence
plastic mind
plausible commonplaces
playful wit
pleasing reveries
pleasurable excitement
plenary argument
plentiful harvest
plighted word [plighted = promised by a solemn pledge]
poignant clearness
pointless tale
poisonous counsels
polished ease
polite indifference
political malcontent
polluting taints
pompous platitudes
ponderous research
pontifical manner
popular resentment
pending determination
penetrating warmth
penitential cries
penniless wanderer
pensive reflections
perceptible difference
peremptory punishment [peremptory = ending all debate or action]
perennial charm
perfect embodiment
perfunctory inquiries
perilous expedient
permanent significance
pernicious doctrine
perpetual oscillation
perplexing problem
persecuting zeal
persistent adherence
personal predilection [predilection = a preference]
persuasive eloquence
pert prig
pertinacious solemnity [pertinacious = stubbornly persistent]
pertinent question
perusing earnestness
pervading tendencies
perverse quaintness
pessimistic skepticism
pestiferous career [pestiferous = evil or deadly; pernicious]
pet aversion
petrified smile
petticoat diplomacy
pettifogging business
petty pedantries [pedantries = attention to detail or rules]
phantom show
philanthropic zeal
philosophical acuteness
phlegmatic temperament [phlegmatic = calm, sluggish; unemotional]
phosphorescent shimmer
penetrating warmth
penitential cries
penniless wanderer
pensive reflections
perceptible difference
peremptory punishment [peremptory = ending all debate or action]
perennial charm
perfect embodiment
perfunctory inquiries
perilous expedient
permanent significance
pernicious doctrine
perpetual oscillation
perplexing problem
persecuting zeal
persistent adherence
personal predilection [predilection = a preference]
persuasive eloquence
pert prig
pertinacious solemnity [pertinacious = stubbornly persistent]
pertinent question
perusing earnestness
pervading tendencies
perverse quaintness
pessimistic skepticism
pestiferous career [pestiferous = evil or deadly; pernicious]
pet aversion
petrified smile
petticoat diplomacy
pettifogging business
petty pedantries [pedantries = attention to detail or rules]
phantom show
philanthropic zeal
philosophical acuteness
phlegmatic temperament [phlegmatic = calm, sluggish; unemotional]
phosphorescent shimmer
pacific disposition
painful obstinacy
painstaking reticence
palatable advice
pallidly illumined
palpable originality
palpitating emotion
paltry hypocrisies
pampered darling
panic fear
panting eagerness
parabolic obscureness
paradoxical talker
paralyzing sentimentalism
paramount authority
parasitical magnificence
parental permission
paroxysmal outburst
particularly notable
partizan prejudice
passing panorama
passionate insistence
passive obedience
patchwork manner
patent example
paternal tenderness
pathetic helplessness
patient endurance
patriarchal visage
patriotic enthusiasm
peacefully propagated
peculiar piquancy [piquancy = appealingly provocative; charming]
pecuniary privation
pedantic ineptitude [pedantic = attention to detail or rules]
pedestrian vigor
peerless raconteur [raconteur = skilled storyteller]
peevish ingratitude
painful obstinacy
painstaking reticence
palatable advice
pallidly illumined
palpable originality
palpitating emotion
paltry hypocrisies
pampered darling
panic fear
panting eagerness
parabolic obscureness
paradoxical talker
paralyzing sentimentalism
paramount authority
parasitical magnificence
parental permission
paroxysmal outburst
particularly notable
partizan prejudice
passing panorama
passionate insistence
passive obedience
patchwork manner
patent example
paternal tenderness
pathetic helplessness
patient endurance
patriarchal visage
patriotic enthusiasm
peacefully propagated
peculiar piquancy [piquancy = appealingly provocative; charming]
pecuniary privation
pedantic ineptitude [pedantic = attention to detail or rules]
pedestrian vigor
peerless raconteur [raconteur = skilled storyteller]
peevish ingratitude
openly disseminated
opinionated truculence [truculence = ferociously cruel behavior]
opportunely contrived
oppressive emptiness
opprobrious epithet [opprobrious = contemptuous reproach; scornful]
oracular utterance [oracular = solemnly prophetic; enigmatic; obscure]
oratorical display
ordinary delinquencies
organic assimilation
oriental spicery
originally promulgated
oscillatory movement
ostensible occupation
ostentatious display
outlandish fashion
outrageously vehement
outspoken encouragement
outstanding feature
outstretching sympathies
outward pomp
outworn creed
overbearing style
overestimated importance
overflowing sympathy
overhanging darkness
overmastering potency
overpowering argument
overshadowing dread
overstrained enthusiasm
overt act
overvaulting clouds
overweening sense [overweening = presumptuously arrogant;
overwhelming solicitude
overworked drudge
opinionated truculence [truculence = ferociously cruel behavior]
opportunely contrived
oppressive emptiness
opprobrious epithet [opprobrious = contemptuous reproach; scornful]
oracular utterance [oracular = solemnly prophetic; enigmatic; obscure]
oratorical display
ordinary delinquencies
organic assimilation
oriental spicery
originally promulgated
oscillatory movement
ostensible occupation
ostentatious display
outlandish fashion
outrageously vehement
outspoken encouragement
outstanding feature
outstretching sympathies
outward pomp
outworn creed
overbearing style
overestimated importance
overflowing sympathy
overhanging darkness
overmastering potency
overpowering argument
overshadowing dread
overstrained enthusiasm
overt act
overvaulting clouds
overweening sense [overweening = presumptuously arrogant;
overwhelming solicitude
overworked drudge
obdurate courage [obdurate = hardened in wrongdoing]
obedient compliance
objectionably apologetic
obligatory force
obligingly expressed
oblique tribute
obscure intimation
obsequious homage [obsequious = servile compliance; fawning]
observant eye
obsolete phraseology
obstinate defiance
obstreperous summons [obstreperous = noisily and stubbornly defiant]
obtrusive neatness
obvious boredom
occasional flights
occult sympathy
ocean depth
odd makeshifts
odious tyranny
odorous spring
offensive hostility
official asperity [asperity = harshness; ill temper or irritability]
olfactory sense
olive grayness
ominous rumors
omnipotent decree
omniscient affirmation
oncoming horde
onerous cares
onflaming volume
opalescent sea
opaque mass
obedient compliance
objectionably apologetic
obligatory force
obligingly expressed
oblique tribute
obscure intimation
obsequious homage [obsequious = servile compliance; fawning]
observant eye
obsolete phraseology
obstinate defiance
obstreperous summons [obstreperous = noisily and stubbornly defiant]
obtrusive neatness
obvious boredom
occasional flights
occult sympathy
ocean depth
odd makeshifts
odious tyranny
odorous spring
offensive hostility
official asperity [asperity = harshness; ill temper or irritability]
olfactory sense
olive grayness
ominous rumors
omnipotent decree
omniscient affirmation
oncoming horde
onerous cares
onflaming volume
opalescent sea
opaque mass
naive manner
naked eye
nameless fear
narcotic effect
narrowing axioms
nasal drone
nascent intercourse
national shortcomings
native incompetence
natural sluggishness
nauseous dose
nautical venture
neat refutation
nebulous uncertainty
necessary adjuncts
necromantic power [necromancy = communicating with the dead to predict the
future. Black magic; sorcery.]
needless depression
nefarious scheme
negative approbation [approbation = warm approval; praise]
negligible quantity
neighboring mists
nerveless hand
nervous solicitude
nettled opponent
neutral eye
new perplexities
nice discrimination
niggardly allowance
nightmare fantasy
nimble faculty
noble condescension
nocturnal scene
nodding approval
noiseless reverie
noisy platitudes
nomadic life
nominal allegiance
nonchalant manner
non-committal way
nondescript garb
nonsense rhymes
noonday splendor
normal characteristics
notable circumstance
noteworthy friendship
noticeably begrimed
notoriously profligate
novel signification
nugatory cause [nugatory = little or no importance; trifling]
numbed stillness
numberless defeats
numerical majority
naked eye
nameless fear
narcotic effect
narrowing axioms
nasal drone
nascent intercourse
national shortcomings
native incompetence
natural sluggishness
nauseous dose
nautical venture
neat refutation
nebulous uncertainty
necessary adjuncts
necromantic power [necromancy = communicating with the dead to predict the
future. Black magic; sorcery.]
needless depression
nefarious scheme
negative approbation [approbation = warm approval; praise]
negligible quantity
neighboring mists
nerveless hand
nervous solicitude
nettled opponent
neutral eye
new perplexities
nice discrimination
niggardly allowance
nightmare fantasy
nimble faculty
noble condescension
nocturnal scene
nodding approval
noiseless reverie
noisy platitudes
nomadic life
nominal allegiance
nonchalant manner
non-committal way
nondescript garb
nonsense rhymes
noonday splendor
normal characteristics
notable circumstance
noteworthy friendship
noticeably begrimed
notoriously profligate
novel signification
nugatory cause [nugatory = little or no importance; trifling]
numbed stillness
numberless defeats
numerical majority
microscopic minuteness
mighty animosity
mild rejoinder
militant struggles
military autocracy
millennial reign
mimic gestures
minatory shadow [minatory = menacing or threatening]
mincing precision
mingled decorousness
miniature imitations
minor impulses
minute consideration
miraculous profusion
mirroring lake
mirthful glance
mischievous effusion
miserable musings
misleading notion
misshapen oddities
misspent strength
mistaken assumption
mistrustful superiority
misty depression
mitigating circumstances
mobile countenance
mock seriousness
modest cheerfulness
modified sentiment
moldy doctrines
mollifying conditions [mollifying = calming; soothing]
momentary discomfiture
momentous pause
monarchial institutions
monastic austerity
monotonous sameness
monstrous absurdity
monumental structure
moody silence
moonlight witchery
moral obliquity [obliquity = deviation or aberration]
morbid imagination
mordant wit
moribund mediocrities
mortal affront
mortified coldness
motley appearance
mountainous inequalities
mournful magnificence
mouthing amplitude
muddled opinion
muddy inefficiency
muffled detonations
mullioned windows [mullioned = vertical member dividing a window]
multifarious activity
multiform truth
multiple needs
multitudinous details
mundane importance
mural decorations
murderous parody
murky recesses
musical diapason [diapason = full, rich outpouring of harmonious
mute insensibility
mutinous thoughts
muttered warning
mutual animosity
myriad lights
mysterious potency
mystic meaning
mythical kingdom
mighty animosity
mild rejoinder
militant struggles
military autocracy
millennial reign
mimic gestures
minatory shadow [minatory = menacing or threatening]
mincing precision
mingled decorousness
miniature imitations
minor impulses
minute consideration
miraculous profusion
mirroring lake
mirthful glance
mischievous effusion
miserable musings
misleading notion
misshapen oddities
misspent strength
mistaken assumption
mistrustful superiority
misty depression
mitigating circumstances
mobile countenance
mock seriousness
modest cheerfulness
modified sentiment
moldy doctrines
mollifying conditions [mollifying = calming; soothing]
momentary discomfiture
momentous pause
monarchial institutions
monastic austerity
monotonous sameness
monstrous absurdity
monumental structure
moody silence
moonlight witchery
moral obliquity [obliquity = deviation or aberration]
morbid imagination
mordant wit
moribund mediocrities
mortal affront
mortified coldness
motley appearance
mountainous inequalities
mournful magnificence
mouthing amplitude
muddled opinion
muddy inefficiency
muffled detonations
mullioned windows [mullioned = vertical member dividing a window]
multifarious activity
multiform truth
multiple needs
multitudinous details
mundane importance
mural decorations
murderous parody
murky recesses
musical diapason [diapason = full, rich outpouring of harmonious
mute insensibility
mutinous thoughts
muttered warning
mutual animosity
myriad lights
mysterious potency
mystic meaning
mythical kingdom
matured reflection
maudlin sentimentalism [maudlin = tearfully sentimental]
mawkish insipidity
maximum intensity
meager evidence
mean trickeries
meaningless confusion
measured cadence
mechanical handicraft
meditatively silent
meek ambition
melancholy musing
mellifluous eloquence [mellifluous = flowing with sweetness or honey]
mellow refinement
melodious platitudes
melodramatic resource
melting mood
memorable experience
menacing attitude
mendacious tongue [mendacious = false; untrue]
mendicant pilgrim [mendicant = beggar]
mental metamorphosis
mercenary view
merchantable literature
merciful insensibility
merciless censor
mercurial temperament
mere generalization
meretricious allurements [meretricious = plausible but false]
meridian splendor
merited ridicule
merry jest
metallic immobility
metaphysical obscurity
meteoric splendors
methodical regularity
metrical exactness
maudlin sentimentalism [maudlin = tearfully sentimental]
mawkish insipidity
maximum intensity
meager evidence
mean trickeries
meaningless confusion
measured cadence
mechanical handicraft
meditatively silent
meek ambition
melancholy musing
mellifluous eloquence [mellifluous = flowing with sweetness or honey]
mellow refinement
melodious platitudes
melodramatic resource
melting mood
memorable experience
menacing attitude
mendacious tongue [mendacious = false; untrue]
mendicant pilgrim [mendicant = beggar]
mental metamorphosis
mercenary view
merchantable literature
merciful insensibility
merciless censor
mercurial temperament
mere generalization
meretricious allurements [meretricious = plausible but false]
meridian splendor
merited ridicule
merry jest
metallic immobility
metaphysical obscurity
meteoric splendors
methodical regularity
metrical exactness
maddening monotony
magic fascination
magisterial emphasis
magnanimous concessions
magnetic fascination
magnificent florescence
magniloquent diction [magniloquent = extravagant in speech]
maidenly timidity
main ramifications
majestic dignity
maladjusted marriages
malevolent ingenuity
malicious aspersions
malign influence
malodorous gentility
manageable proportions
mangled arguments
manifest reluctance
manifold functions
manly reticence
mantling smile [mantling = cover with a mantle; concealing]
manual dexterity
manufactured melancholy
marked individuality
marketable commodity
marshaled hosts
martial footsteps
marvelous lucidity
masculine power
masked expression
massive strength
master achievement
matchless charm
material misconception
maternal solicitude
mathematical precision
matrimonial alliance
magic fascination
magisterial emphasis
magnanimous concessions
magnetic fascination
magnificent florescence
magniloquent diction [magniloquent = extravagant in speech]
maidenly timidity
main ramifications
majestic dignity
maladjusted marriages
malevolent ingenuity
malicious aspersions
malign influence
malodorous gentility
manageable proportions
mangled arguments
manifest reluctance
manifold functions
manly reticence
mantling smile [mantling = cover with a mantle; concealing]
manual dexterity
manufactured melancholy
marked individuality
marketable commodity
marshaled hosts
martial footsteps
marvelous lucidity
masculine power
masked expression
massive strength
master achievement
matchless charm
material misconception
maternal solicitude
mathematical precision
matrimonial alliance

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Word of the Day
miry discuss | |
Definition: | (adjective) (Of soil) soft and watery. |
Synonyms: | boggy, marshy, mucky, muddy, quaggy, sloppy, sloughy, soggy, squashy, swampy, waterlogged |
Usage: | Right across the lower part of the bog lay a miry path. |
Word of the Day
provided by The Free Dictionary
Article of the Day
![]() ![]() The Father of the Yellow School BusIn 1939, American educator Frank Cyr organized the first national standards conference for school transportation. One of the most memorable accomplishments of the conference was the selection of a highly visible, standardized color for school buses that would allow them to be easily identified by other motorists. The hue became known as "National School Bus Chrome," and Cyr was hailed as the "Father of the Yellow School Bus." According to Cyr, what was the main priority of conference attendees? More... Discuss |
Article of the Day
provided by The Free Dictionary
This Day in History
![]() ![]() Adams-Onís Treaty: Spain Sells Florida to the US (1819)In the early 1800s, tensions between the US and Spain were increasing over border disputes in North America. With Spanish power in the New World declining, it was widely believed that Spain would lose land to the US. The Adams-Onís Treaty settled the dispute by attempting to draw clearer borders, roughly granting Florida and Louisiana to the US while giving everything west of Louisiana to Spain. The US did not pay Spain directly for the new land. Instead, it compensated Spain in what way? More... Discuss |
This Day in History
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Today's Birthday
![]() ![]() Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857)Powell was a British army officer and founder of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, later the Girl Scouts. He was a hero of the South African War and author of Aids to Scouting, a military textbook. Upon learning that his book was being used to train boys in woodcraft, he wrote Scouting for Boys and established the Boy Scout movement in 1908. In 1910, with his sister and wife, he founded the Girl Guides. What disguise did Powell use while gathering information in war? More... Discuss |
Today's Birthday
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In the News
In the News
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Quote of the Day
![]() ![]() Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) Discuss |
Quote of the Day
provided by The Free Library
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